Homework Set # 10 - Due April 16

1) Complex wavevectors in the energy gap: Find an expression for the imaginary part of the wave vector in the energy gap at the boundary of the first Brillouin zone using the same approximation that we used to obtain (8.21). At the boundary of the FBZ the real part of k is K/2. Give a result for H, the imaginary part of the wave vector at the center of the energy gap. Hint: assume that H<<K and give your result in terms of U, K, and m. Assume that ε=ℏ2K2/8m at the center of the gap.

2) Consider an energy band ε(k)=ε0+c1kx2a2+ c2ky2a2+ c3kz2a2 of a cubic crystal with lattice constant a. Assume ci are positive constants.

a) Obtain the effective mass tensor M of an electron.

b) Assuming that all the ci=c, consider the motion of an electron confined to a potential U(r)=αr2>0. Write the effective Schrödinger equations for the states of the electron in the representation of the Bloch functions and then in terms of Wannier function

3) Problem 16.4.