Homework Set #0 - Due August 25

Send an e-mail message to your professor at amoreo@utk.edu answering the following questions
(since it is very simple to cut and paste, please, make sure that you include the questions, not just your answers, in the assignment. Thanks!!!):

  1. Your Name:

  2. In what field are you pursuing your Ph.D.?

  3. Are you planning to work in Theory or in Experiments?

  4. What was your undergraduate major?

  5. What school did you attend as an undergraduate?

  6. Did you take Statistical Mechanics as an undergraduate? If yes, what book did you use?

  7. Did you study Probabilities and Statistics in college?

  8. Did you study Thermodynamics as an undergraduate? If yes, what book did you use?

  9. Did you study Quantum Mechanics? If yes, what book did you use?