P412 Quantum Mechanics, Spring 2021
webpage is for the students currently enrolled in P412, Spring
errors in this web page, comments, or suggestions can be emailed to Prof. Elbio Dagotto (edagotto@utk.edu).
The following
items are available:
1. Syllabus
P412 Jan 21.pdf
P412 Jan 26.pdf
P412 Jan 28.pdf
P412 Feb 2.pdf
P412 Feb 4.pdf
P412 Feb 9.pdf
P412 Feb 11.pdf
P412 Feb16.pdf
P412 Feb18.pdf
P412 Feb25.pdf
P412 March2.pdf
P412 March4.pdf
P412 March9.pdf
P412 March11.pdf
P412 March18.pdf
P412 March30.pdf
P412 April1.pdf
P412 April6.pdf
P412 April8.pdf
P412 April13.pdf
P412 April15.pdf
HW1, due Jan 29: 4.29 (item (a) only), 4.30 (items (a,b,c) only), 4.31, 4.32. HW2, due Feb 4: 4.35, 4.37, 4.58. HW3, due Feb 11: 4.38, 5.4, 5.5, 5.8. HW4, due Feb 18: 5.17 ([in item (b) do only H,He,Li,Be,B,C] i.e. skip N, 5.19. HW5, due March 5: 5.20, 5.21, 5.23. HW6, due March 12: 5.24 (item (a) only), 5.27, and show that the result on page 282 book for En1 is correct for the case of a potential V0 between 0 and a/2 (i.e. do the integral). HW7, due March 19: 7.1 (item (a) only), 7.2 . HW8, due April 9: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3. HW9, due April 17: 8.17 (item (a) only), 11.2 (only focus on quantum numbers 100 and 210), 11.6 . HW10, due April 25: 9.1. 9.3, and the last one is not a book's problem, but you need to prove the following
"Assuming Eqs.[11.103] and [11.104] of the book are correct, then show that Eqs. [11.105] and [11.106] are correct."
4. Exams
Test 1, Feb23.
Test 2, March 25 .
Test 3, May 3, 1 PM - 3.15PM.